Breval Cello Sonata In C Major Pdf Free
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At the end of the eighteenth century, cellist and composer Jean-Baptiste Bréval wrote not only virtuosic concerti for his instrument, but also easier sonatas and duets that still belong to the core repertoire of pedagogical cello literature.
However he is best-known for the Sonata in C major which has become a standard work for teaching purposes, even in arrangements for other instruments. The two movements (Allegro and Rondo Grazioso) can also be performed independently from one another. This sonata belongs to the basic repertoire of every young cellist.
J.S.Bach - Sonata for Viola da gamba No 2, D major BWV 1028 - Adagio, Allegro, AndanteHarpsichord continuo arranged for guitar. Guitar part onlyThe guitar accompaniment matches the original cello part)This Sonata is - literally taken - a Trio Sonata, written in a 3 part form: the right hand of the harpsichord, the Viola da Gamba and the continuo of the left hand of the harpsichord. The Viola da Gamba does not - as one would expect - play the leading role. Rather it is placed in the middle (like a viola) in between the right and left hand of the harpsichord.This set up might even suggest, that the known edition is a particular rendition, and it might as well have been meant for example for violin, a Viola da gambe and cello, the harpsichord playing the figured bass of the cello and in the form today as well the violin part.In the arrangement here I found it more important to keep the top melody part complete (\"violin\") or right hand of the harpsichord rather than the left hand.I therefore fitted in the bass part as much as playable, leaving out mainly transitional notes and ornaments in the bass.Surprisingly this lead to an accompaniment, which sounds rhythmically clearer and also forms in its part its own musical independence and sounds virtually like a complete guitar piece by being played just by itself.
G. F. Handel - Recitativo & Aria F major from the opera \"Rinaldo\" (Aria de Almirena: Lascia ch'io pianga (Let me weep) Cello - with 2nd cello & accompaniment plus guitar accompaniment [grading: cello 4 out of 10 / cello continuo 1-2 out of 10 ] LISTEN on iTUNES WATCH on Youtube Sheet music of melody / cello acc. / guitar acc. $4.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) or instantly available from SMP (click icon)
C. Saint Saens & J.S. Bach ! The Swan (Le Cygne) in Duo with Bach Prelude G major 2 cellos [grading 6 out of 10] Sheet music $4.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) WATCH on Youtube or instantly available from SMP / myscore (click icon) Gaspar Sanz - Pavanas (1674) Exceptionally beautiful on 2 cellos! originally vihuela (guitar) arrangement for cello Duo by Georg Mertens 2p [grading 7 out of 10] Duo Sheet music $3.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) WATCH on Youtube Gaspar Sanz - Canarios (1674) Very lively exciting dance, lots of character and bounce. originally vihuela (guitar) arrangement for cello Duo by Georg Mertens 3p [grading 8 out of 10] Duo Sheet music $4.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) WATCH on Youtube
The Three Cello Pieces from the Royal Wedding at Windsor Castle 2018 Arranged for cello & guitar by Georg Mertens 1 - Sicilienne by Maria-Theresia von Paradis (in E major) 2 - Apres un Reve by Gabriel Faure (in C minor) 3 - Ave Maria by Franz Schubert (in A major) [grading cello 5-7 out of 10 / guitar 7 out of 10] Sheetmusic of cello & guitar parts $8.99 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) (see below for the editions of the single pieces) WATCH Paradis Sicilienne Youtube WATCH Schubert Ave Maria Youtube or instantly available from SMP (click icon)
Anonymus SPANISH ROMANCE (Romance d'Amour) - additional cello / violin parts by G. Mertens - the original guitar part may be played unchanged. Here is also added an alternate more rhythmical major part plus intro and a transition in to the Da capo. The players may decide to play tremolo in the D.C. and also make up an introduction, a transition and an ending to their own taste . WATCH Spanish Romance Youtube Sheetmusic of guitar, cello & violin parts to Spanish Romance $3.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) or instantly available from SMP (click icon) J.S. Bach - Arioso from Cantata No 156 for cello & guitar (2 cellos) [grading: cello 1: 6 out of 10 / guitar continuo 6 out of 10 ] WATCH on Youtube Sheet music of 2 cello parts plus guitar part. $4.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) or instantly available from SMP (click icon) . J.S.Bach - Sonata for Viola da gamba No 2, D major BWV 1028 - Adagio, Allegro, Andante Harpsichord continuo arranged for guitar. Guitar part only The guitar accompaniment matches the original cello part) This Sonata is - literally taken - a Trio Sonata, written in a 3 part form: the right hand of the harpsichord, the Viola da Gamba and the continuo of the left hand of the harpsichord. The Viola da Gamba does not - as one would expect - play the leading role. Rather it is placed in the middle (like a viola) in between the right and left hand of the harpsichord. This set up might even suggest, that the known edition is a particular rendition, and it might as well have been meant for example for violin, a Viola da gambe and cello, the harpsichord playing the figured bass of the cello and in the form today as well the violin part. In the arrangement here I found it more important to keep the top melody part complete (\"violin\") or right hand of the harpsichord rather than the left hand. I therefore fitted in the bass part as much as playable, leaving out mainly transitional notes and ornaments in the bass. Surprisingly this lead to an accompaniment, which sounds rhythmically clearer and also forms in its part its own musical independence and sounds virtually like a complete guitar piece by being played just by itself. Bach: Sonata for Viola da gamba D major, Adagio, Allegor, Andante Sheet music of the guitar accompaniment $5.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours)
Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonatina c 1795, D minor for cello & guitar (originally in C minor for mandolin & harpsichord) The guitar is naturally very close in sound to the harpsichord. The combination of cello and guitar sounds here absolutely wonderful - as if originally intended. There exist an edition for cello & piano by Stutschewsky (1931). However, Stutschewsky changed the tempo from Adagio to Andante and lifted the tempo in the major part even to \"Un poco animato\". Contrary to this suggestion the Adagio sounds very effective, especially if the tempo remains for the major part unchanged. Stutschevsky changed also in the accompaniment the relationship between the solo instrument and the accompaniment and swapped parts around. The edition here offered is as close as can be to the Beethoven original. WATCH on Youtube Sheetmusic includes cello & guitar parts $4.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) or instantly available from SMP (click icon) Frederic Burgmueller (1806-1874) Three Nocturnes \"Les Murmures du Rhone\"(FREE) These are in my opinion the most suitable and beautiful Duos originally written for cello & guitar, with a full understanding for both instruments by the composer.Also these Duos are relatively easy to play, but ready for the concert hall, very enjoyable.In most editions the cello part is in tenor clef. The edition here by Charles Tourville published by Joseph Williams in 1921 is the only one I know of in bass clef.Also the recommendations for the interpretation are fantastic.I changed the bowings a bit and added a few fingerings.The guitar part is from Petrucci's Public Domain Library. In all guitar parts of Nocturne 1 the double bar line going to A major is set one bar different in the cello & guitar parts. So be careful: if you say, let's go back to the double bar - that are two different spots for each player! In the cello part it is the start of bar 21, in the guitar part start of bar 22 (same later).(grading 4 out of 10) WATCH on Youtube
Frederic Chopin - Cello Sonata op 65, Largo arr. for cello & guitar This movement is the only chamber music ensemble work by Chopin, which could be transcribed for cello & guitar, in fact it is very suitable. The unusual key of Bb major by a composer indulging in complex harmonies gives the guitarist a new feeling of possible combinations. The cello part is a copy of a wonderful handwriting from c 1900; obviously the owner had lost the cello part and wrote it out. In the complete Sonata plus the Polonaise brilliant no place has been corrected by crossing out - white out and other means of correcting did not exist yet! Cello & Guitar parts [cello grading 7 out of 10 / guitar 9 out of 10] Sheetmusic includes Chopin the old hand written part and the guitar part $4.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours)
J.S. Bach - 8 Menuets for Violin & Cello [grading 2 to 6 out of 10]We played them at a wedding and everyone commented how beautuful they were! 1 Menuet G major (Petzold) BWV Anh. 116 2 Menuet G major (Petzold) BWV Anh. 114 WATCH on Youtube 3 Menuet G minor (Petzold) BWV Anh. 115 4 Menuet D minor BWV Anh. 132 5 Menuet C minor BWV Anh. 121 6 Menuet A minor BWV Anh. 120 7 Menuet G major (probably Petzold) BWV XI.III.No IX 8 Menuet B minor from Orchestral Suite No 2 8b Menuet A minor from Orchestral Suite No 2 (orig. B minor) Sheet music of 8 Menuets together $9.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) or instantly available from SMP (click icon) Trad. Gypsy - Two Guitars (Gypsy Dance) for violin & cello, cello & guitar, violin & guitar or 2 cellos A dance with plenty of tempo and mood changes, very lively and entertaining. Violin & guitar score part plus score for 2 cellos 12 pages [grading: cello 5-6 out of 10] - Watch \"Two Guitars\" on Youtube Sheet music $5.00 (will be send per email during the next 24 hours) or instantly available from SMP (click icon) 153554b96e