Deep Learning With Keras !EXCLUSIVE! Downloads Torrent
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First, the concept of neural networks is around for ages, but training deep learning models is hard. Universally most resources that try to explain the basics of deep learning are either over simplified or make trainable deep learning models way beyond an average reader's grasp. Even papers that satisfactorily explain the general model architecture are insufficient regarding the key concepts and material efficiency. This book shows you all...
There is no lack of deep learning resources. Almost any tech learning platform you look at (i.e. coursera, Udemy) is filled with deep learning courses, publishers are filling virtual deep learning bookshelves, and deep learning blog posts are a dime a dozen. But with all these resources I often find two road blocks for people being able to understand and implement deep learning solutions:
Second, when it comes to learning to model, neural networks are largely missing a systematic and unified behavioral foundation. The book borrows heavily from the very successful deep learning course on Coursera, while the author has been teaching deep learning for over a decade. With this book, you'll have a solid foundational model building background that will allow you to better understand the deeper concepts and implementation details that you find both in the cutting edge of advances, and even the common... d2c66b5586