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In contrast, 2000 pixels x 3000 pixels, or 25,600 pixels x 40000pixels are typical of some emerging systems, although the file sizes anddensity may be considerably less. Image compression softwareis used to make it practical to store these very large files on acomparatively small amount of media, and to reduce the number of filesrequired to create and distribute digital images. Image files withapproximately 10000 pixels x 10000 pixels may be stored on compactdisk for high volume commercial distribution, but may be withdropped after a few hours of operation. Image files with160000 pixels x 160000 pixels are too large to store on compactdisk, but can still easily be stored in database tables. Somefuture digital image archival systems will employ exotic solutions,but the advent of CD-ROMs and the Internet have greatly reduced thecost required to distribute images. Although still difficult to distribute ina compact form, digital images can be distributed over the Web usingproviders such as Wired. Although many of the problems posed bydigitized images are solved by the use of CD-ROMs or theInternet, the challenges facing researchers who need to make theseimages readily available to the public or cooperative researchorganizations around the world are manifold. These include legal,financial, and administrative issues. While these are problems thecannot solve, they lie at the center of the crisis. Fortunately, thedigital archiving methods outlined in this document represent atotal solution. The basic components are an archive, a database, anda Web server.
The archive not only provides the core data store of a project, butalso provides the searchable index of a collection. The archive is alarge group of files, each file containing an individual image. Thesefiles eventually become a digital "volume" of material within the archive.The digital volume can either have an associated meta-data record,or it can be left "naked" and treated as a loosely controlledcollection of files. The second approach is common in digital imageproject directories on the Web today, and provides a great deal offlexibility. Within an archive, images can be stored by topic,subject, or location. The meta-data record associated with anarchive file will store information about the image, the project, andthe creator (or other user) of the image. The data content of thearchive file includes textual descriptions such as tags andmetadata. d2c66b5586