Free Download Kisssoft Gear Software In 11
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In the calculation software KISSsoft(Ref. 1), the geometry calculation ofstraight and skew bevel gears for standardcone types has been available for manyyears, in accordance with ISO 23509(Ref. 2). Then, the expansion to 3-Dmodels of spiral bevel gears was madecovering all cone types four years ago.Since the 3-D models of the spiral bevelgears have been available, there has beenmuch interest from many companiesworldwide. The first prototype based onthe 3-D model was machined by Breton(Ref. 7), one of the major 5-axis millingmachine manufacturers, and enjoyedvery satisfactory results. Then one oftheir customers, who is using a 5-axismilling machine, wanted to produce avery large bevel gear pair to replace anexisting pair. However, they had a special,hard to resolve problem in that thepinion shaft having a 1,500 mm lengthwas too long to be cut on the Bretonmachine. So the pinion was producedon a conventional Gleason machine, butthe customer wanted to produce the gear(de2 = 500 mm) on the Breton machine.We always recommend to our users thatthe model for the pinion and gear mustbe generated by the same software andthus the combination of a pinion, manufacturedon a Gleason machine, shouldnot be combined with a gear based on themodel. But the customer insisted, so wehad to invent something!
Inho Bae, Ph.D, received his doctorate in 2002 fromHanyang University in Korea by the research on thedesign of multi-stage gearboxes. After working as a postdoctoralresearch fellow at Kyoto University, he movedin 2008 to KISSsoft AG in Switzerland as a developmentengineer. Dr. Bae is the head of technical support andalso working on the development of the KISSsoft andKISSsys software suites.
The TBK calculation software has been used successfully worldwide for the design of gears, shafts, connections, bearings and other machine elements for more than four decades. With the system extension SystemManager and various interfaces to 3D CAD systems, the TBK software is a powerful tool especially for gear development for both stationary and mobile applications. In the latest version, the calculation modules for cylindrical gear pairs, planetary gear stages, three- and four-gear train systems as well as gear racks have been extended to include the latest edition of ISO 6336 (2019-11) for calculating the load capacity as well as VDI 2736 for calculating the load capacity of plastics. These calculation methods are available in parallel to DIN 3990 Method B, ANSI/AGMA 2101-D04 and the previous edition of ISO 6336 (2006-09).
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Download KISSsoft 03-2018F SP6 may be a specialized software for calibration, optimization and calculation, and re-analysis of machine parts. Parts like gears, shafts and bearings, screws, belts, and moving cables, etc.
This paper examines failure of helical gear in speed increasing gearbox used in the wind turbine generator (WTG). In addition, an attempt has been made to get suitable gear micro-geometry such as pressure angle and tip relief to minimize the gear failure in the wind turbines. As the gear trains in the wind turbine gearbox is prearranged with higher speed ratio and the gearboxes experience shock load due to atmospheric turbulence, gust wind speed, non-synchronization of pitching, frequent grid drops and failure of braking, the gear failure occurs either in the intermediate or high speed stage pinion. KISS soft gear calculation software was used to determine the gear specifications and analysis is carried out in ANSYS software version.11.0 for the existing and the proposed gear to evaluate the performance of bending stress tooth deflection and stiffness. The main objective of this research study is to propose suitable gear micro-geometry that is tip relief and pressure angle blend for increasing tooth strength of the helical gear used in the wind turbine for trouble free operation.
The function of gear drive is to transmit high power with compact design as to run with free of noise and vibration with least manufacturing and maintenance cost. Sankar and Nataraj have introduced circular root fillet instead of trochoidal root fillet in spur gear to increase the tooth strength (Sankar and Nataraj 2011). Many works have been done to improve the gear tooth strength out of which most of them attempted with positive profile shifting (Fredette and Brown 1997; Ciavarella and Demelio 1999). Sankar and Nataraj have launched a novel method called composite profile along with tip relief in helical gear to prevent gear failure in the wind turbine generator gearbox (Sankar and Nataraj 2010). Andrzej and Jerzy have done a comparative study to evaluate root strength using ISO and AGMA standards and the results are verified using the finite element technique with model development and simulations (Andrzej and Jerzy 2006). Simon formulated a design method to find out the optimal tooth tip relief and crowning for spur and helical gears (Simon 1989). Sankar et al. (2011) have formulated mathematical model to analyze the failure of shear pin in the wind turbne generator using finite element technique. Hebbal et al. (2009) have formulated a finite element model with a segment of three teeth for analysis and stress relieving features of various sizes on helical gear teeth at various locations.
KISSSOFT develops design software for engineers and designers in a wide variety of fields, whether they manufacture cable car systems, gears for construction equipment, formula 1 race car transmissions or the tiny gears used in mars rovers, more and more companies all over the world have come to rely on KISSSOFT design software. When used in keeping with currently valid standards (DIN, ISO, AGMA), our software serves as a quick, high-quality tool for sizing machine elements, reviewing calculations, determining component strength, and documenting safety factors and product life parameters. the following pages provide a detailed look at KISSSOFT products.
Modules : KISSSoft, KISSSys, GPKMechanical gear calculations, Design software for mechanical engineering applications, sizing of machine elements, machine components design such as gears, shafts and bearings, screws, springs, joining elements and belts, gear systems design, transmission system design, Industrial Gears Design calculations Software
The load distribution in a gear stage is directly related to the tooth deflection. Daffner [69, 70] measures the load distribution of gears with different body geometries and compares it with the results from the gear calculation software RIKOR [71]. RIKOR calculates the tooth deflection according to the W/B approach [72]. While the experimental and simulative line load shows a good agreement for the solid gear body, significant large deviations are observable for gear bodies with (asymmetrical) webs. Based on FE calculations, Daffner [69] proposes a correction function for gear geometries with asymmetrical webs.
In this paper, an analytical method for the tooth deflection calculation has been presented. The mathematical framework is based on the work by Weber and Banaschek [25] and was derived with the common constitutive equations for the plane stress and plane strain state. The presented description simplifies the implementation for applications where both states are of interest. Materials other than steel can be specified. Furthermore, the influence of the boundary condition for the half plane in the tooth tilting calculation can be investigated with the derived general formula of the factor c22 in Eq. 43. This is especially helpful in applications with alternative gear body geometries (e.g., for face gears). The shear influence is considered more precisely by a detailed calculation of the shear correction factor. In contrast to numerical approaches, the analytical method is fast and free of discretization errors. For the simulative validation, a linear FE model for the tooth deflection calculation is introduced. In a convergence analysis, the model shows its validity and equality with a contact model. is a website to download applications, tips, software: windows, android, ios, webs diversity to everyone is completely free. We always strive to bring the best products to our users. Hope everyone will like and support the Website to grow. 153554b96e