Get Bios Serial Number Delphi
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But I just cheat these days and use WMI v1.5 - works for me on all platforms. You need to look at the Win32_Bios, Win32_SystemEnclosure and Win32_BaseBoard classes (because the s/n is not always in the same place from machine to machine). IJ Quote\"mvzx\" wrote in message news:3a76ec20_2@dnews... > I know that every motherboard have own serial number (maybe it is secret)! > How to programatically determine it floor2_2(); Christian Kaufman Delphi Developer
Quote>I know that every motherboard have own serial number (maybe it is secret)! >How to programatically determine it I think, when you create a GUID (Ctrl-Shift-G in the Delphi IDE or with CreateClassID), a part of it is unique to the machine where it was created. But I don't know, which part of it depends on the machine ['{6502B0D3-F6F5-11D4-A922-00D05910F3AC}'] maybe someone else does know cu Christian floor3_2(); Craig Stunt Delphi Developer
Please use one the method bellow to retrieve the computer serial number: 1. Using the buid in \"wmic\" command: \"wmic bios get serialnumber\" Tip: You can use the command \"wmic csproduct get name\" to retrieve the local computer model. 2. Using a vbs script: On Error Resume Next Dim strComputerstrComputer = InputBox(\"Enter the name of the computer:\") Set objWMIService = GetObject(\"winmgmts:\" & \"{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\\" & strComputer & \"\\root\\cimv2\") Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery (\"Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure\") For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOSMsgBox strComputer & \": \" & objSMBIOS.SerialNumberNext
I am trying to make delphi program Server And Client so To Secure my App and To Make Sure all user are under control i should give them a unique Key that can't be change to not lose them Handle, So i think it should be HDD Serial Number + Bios SN , but i remember that Bios Can Be Change When remove motherboard Battery so it will not be work .so my choose now is HDD Real serial number i am try this code below to get it but it didn'r work
The same for CPU. They offer a function to read the unique serial number of the CPU. While this worked perfectly with single core CPUs, none of the libraries we have tested works properly with multi core CPUs. This is because the application can have access only to the core in which it currently runs. Unfortunately, Windows can start the application in any core, therefore you will probably see four different ID's for a quad-core CPU. Our library is the only one that works properly and extracts the correct CPU ID number. Note:
Other DLLs does not allow you low level access to the functions that extract the hardware identification numbers (maybe they try to hide that their library don't extract the true serial numbers). Instead the offer you access to a single function that extracts some the numbers hashes (MD5) these numbers and finally returns to you the hash. Our DLL gives you access to all its inner working! You can decide which hardware to read and which not and to implement the protection system exactly the way you want/need!
Salah satu cara mendapatkan id unik tiap komputer adalah dengan mengambil serial number bios dan harddisk.Apalagi jika kita menggabungkan keduanya, pasti akan lebih unik lagi . Baiklah, untuk mendapatkan ID atau serial number BIOS (Basic Input Output System) dan harddisk caranya cukup mudah menggunakan Delphi. Silahkan diikuti tutorial sebagai berikut:
Sudah selesai . Mudah, bukan Jika segala sesuatunya lancar maka setelah Anda Run project Anda (tekan F9) maka tampilan aplikasi Anda adalah sebagai berikut. Silahkan klik tombol Button1, maka akan Anda dapatkan serial number BIOS dan hard disk Anda di kotak Edit 1 dan 2
Selamat bereksperimen, selanjutnya silahkan dikembangkan sendiri ya. Ohya, project ini sudah saya upload ke github di link delphi bios harddisk. Buat yang kesulitan copy-paste script di atas bisa download script utuhnya dari github kemudian tinggal Run aja. Saya menggunakan Delphi 10.3 Rio untuk meng-compile script di atas, untuk versi lain mungkin perlu ada penyesuaian.
Overview If you are in software development, you are concerned about security and distribution of your product. You want to eliminate serial number or license sharing and maximize your product value. Our solution MachineID SDK is a ready 32-bit dynamic link library that will give your software under control from unauthorized use and distribution. MachineID SDK v4 allow you to generate computer ID to identify each machine (under Windows OS). You can use this ID with your existing licensing copy protection to lock each license by machine. Now you can prevent against unauthorized installation and increase your sales.
Sometimes abbreviated as Serial No., SN or S/N, a serial number is a unique number assigned to the PC by the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) used for identification and inventory purposes. A serial number allows the manufacturer to identify a product and get additional information about it, for replacement, or as a means of finding compatible parts.This tutorial will show you how to find the serial number of your Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 PC.
3. You will now see the serial number of your PC in the command prompt. (see screenshot below)The serial number will only show in the command prompt if the OEM saved it to your PC's BIOS or UEFI firmware.If the OEM didn't, or this is a self built PC, then you may see To be filled by O.E.M in the command prompt instead.
I'm building a Licensing application, and was trying to figure out a way to programmatically read the Hard Drive serial number (not the Volume number, the actual static physical serial number) to use as a license key. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this in Windows and/or Linux (If you can do it in another programming language, that would be ok too, but LV is preferred).
As for volume physical serial number you may use Win32_PhysicalMedia class from Windows Management Instrumentation, but you would have to build your own DLL wrapper in C++ or use MS script engine to get this information (examples for both methods for WMI are provided in above link). Additionally WMI gives you classes (I may be wrong - just found this out) to get virtually any number from hardware (i.e. motherboard serial). But it seems to be little bit tricky to use and works only for XP and above.
Get Harddisk Volume Info, returns the serial number of the formatted volume which is a random (or not so random, because format allows to specify what volume serial number should be used) number assigned to the partition during formatting.
I see you are using the IOCTL_STORAGE_DISK ioctl codes now. Unfortunately that seems not to work for some (all) SATA drives, at least on my computer the serial number field always remains empty using that method.
This seems to be a known issue with the STORAGE class device driver API not returning the serial number for SATA drives. In short all my research has not brought any reliable method to return the serial number both without admin rights and for all types of built in drives. Don't even talk about USB connected drives, they return the model number devided up in vendor ID and ProductID, which have a meaningful meaning for USB sticks, but divide the ModelID into two parts for USB connected HDs and never return any serial number.
How is your system setup In my experience, if you expose the drive directly to the OS and use the Windows NVMe driver, then WMIC and related windows tools will report the wrong serial number. The same thing happens if you use Intel's own NVMe driver, although the formating of the incorrect serial number may be different.
One way to see the correct serial number is to interface with the drive through one of Intel's storage controllers on the motherboard and/or CPU. For example Volume Management Device (VMD) or Intel \"Raid ON\". No idea why this is, and it's a bother, since it can impact software licensing and the like. Growing pains of a new technology, I suppose.
The second way you can find the HP Laptop Serial Number using HP Support Assistant. HP support system comes preinstalled on new Windows-based HP laptops. HP support assistant gives information just like the name, serial number, product number, warranty check, battery status, automatic support, updates, fixes, and more useful information about your HP laptop.
In this step, we are going to go through some physical compartments where you can find your serial number form there. The first place to look is the back of your Laptop. Most of the time serial number is mentioned at the back of your Laptop.
You have to check the battery compartment of your laptop too if your laptop has a removable battery. Turn off your laptop, and take out the battery. Remove the battery from there and you will find necessary details about your laptop there just like the name, product number, and serial number.
Knowing about your devices are necessary and mostly laptop. You need to have information about your laptop, its serial number, product number, and all the other details. In this article 4 different ways were mentioned on how you can find your HP laptop serial number in a quick and easy guide. hope you liked it and found your serial number using the following steps. 153554b96e