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Rey was a human female who stood at 1.7 meters[4] and weighed 54 kilograms.[6] She had brown hair, hazel eyes, and light skin[4] that adapted to the extreme ultraviolet radiation emanated by the sun that shone down on the desert world of Jakku. The harsh realities of such a world could have easily made a person cynical or guarded against sympathy and weaknesses, but not Rey. Despite eking out a meager existence in the scorching heat of the Western Reaches planet, Rey possessed a heart full of generosity and a willingness to help other people in need.[22] It was this willingness that led her to not only help BB-8 be free of Teedo's interference and Plutt's attempts to acquire the droid but also led her to help BB-8 in its mission to return the star map it carried to the Resistance. Though she never wanted to leave Jakku for fear that she would not be there when her family returned for her,[7] she believed in the importance of the Resistance and its fight against the First Order enough that it gave her strength to continue on BB-8's mission to find Luke Skywalker and defeat the First Order.[22] 153554b96e