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As with all of his personal opinions, most of Ebert's opinions on politics were left-leaning. He often criticized establishments in power and championed acts and organizations that for the most part benefitted the working class. He also supported the anti-war or anti-conscription movements.
Ebert's works were populist in nature and frequently criticized corporate or bureaucratic behavior. Yet he frequently offered praise to individuals or organizations that stood out for their innovation or creative vision, often citing his own enjoyment of a significant event in his life. His critics argue that this unapologetic populist style made him an easy target for conservative attacks, especially following the Pentagon Papers and the Scopes Trial; both of these were best-sellers which annoyed critics of both sides.
In one of his best-known essays titled "You Have to See a Movie", Ebert describes the required viewing for anyone who wishes to be admitted to the "elite circle" of cinematic scholarship, the world of critics who are both respected and read by the people who ordinary moviegoers. He particularly recommends "The Third Man" by the British film-maker Carol Reed and a film by Stanley Kubrick titled "2001: A Space Odyssey."
Ebert was also a strong supporter of science-fiction and fantasy fiction, praising many films in these genres, such as Blade Runner and Star Wars, to the point where he turned many science fiction fans into film fans. Ebert also advocated two things that were to become film decades later, digital technology and high-definition television (HDTV). He said in no uncertain terms, "You cannot have a movie anymore in this country and not have it be photographed on digital video, which allows for the aesthetic processes, lighting, coloring and dramatic alterations that are the prerequisite for great movies," in 1994. Moreover, he took the lead in convincing many major film studios to provide multi-channel soundtracks in later releases. On television, he was proud of NBC's decision to make an extended version of "Saturday Night Live" available to subscribers in 1969. d2c66b5586