Intel Visual Fortran Windows 7 64 Bit [EXCLUSIVE] Download
I know the repair and remove do not work and if I run repair it again completes but there is NO desktop reference to the compiler and it does not show under \"PROGRAMS\". There are no other options available on the install. There is also nothing about \"design studio\" in the download even though the download was that which was supposed to all the bits associated with it. (1st download option on the Intel download site). The only executables I can find is in the following directory (similar under directory \\\\em64t\\\\ instead of \\\\ia32\\\\ \\\\Program Files(x86)\\\\intel\\\\compiler\\\\11.1\\\\060\\\\mkl\\\\benchmarks\\\\mp_linpack\\\\bin_intel\\\\ia32\\\\xhp_ia32.exe which does not run as it saysimpi.dll is not on computer. If I go to 'Control Panel' to try to remove the program (compiler) it does not show in the list of installed programs. So I cannot start the install again to get the original error message. We did ask what other things did we need to run the compiler.
2) I tried to change the configuration of Visual Studio to add 64-bit support, according to the 4 steps Steve Lionel (Intel) sugested in ( -us/forums/intel-visual-fortran-compiler-for-windows/topic/300121), but the window that appeared (after pressing the change option in the 'Uninstall or change a program utility' of the control panel) showed no 'x64 compiler&tools' checkbox option, only a repair button option, which made no difference.
3) I tried to update the ifort installation, as Tim Prince suggested in ( -us/forums/intel-visual-fortran-compiler-for-windows/topic/280266). I tried to do it through the 'Uninstall or change a program utility' in the control panel. But selecting the 'Repair' option in the window that appeared blocked the completion of the process by stating that 'repair cannot be done because no available sources were found', and selecting the 'Modify' option, blocked me in the step of 'selecting components to modify' (nothing I chose enabled the 'next' button). 153554b96e