Iso 22000 Standard Procedures For Food Safety Management Systems Free Download.epub !!TOP!!
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Research methods for the first field investigation included tephra collection and semi-structured interviews with residents, business owners, farmers and agricultural organisations. Semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, including critical infrastructure, agriculture and emergency management organisations, took place during the second visit. At this time, participants could give a more reflective view of issues while not having to deal with the immediate crisis. Interview questions were adapted to be relevant for each participant, but typically followed: impacts experienced; cleanup requirements; immediate mitigation strategies and their effectiveness; the effectiveness of emergency management plans and any subsequent adaptations since the eruption; interdependency with other systems, organisations or sectors; and the recovery process. The interview format allowed free exploration and discussion around the various topics that had been touched upon in question responses. All participants we spoke to were eager to pass on their experiences. Interviews were conducted by three researchers, one being fluent in both Japanese and English who also acted as translator, and responses recorded by notation. Interviews were reviewed daily by the research team to ensure accuracy. We have remained in contact with those interviewed since and remain grateful for additional information provided.
As from bibliographic research to scientific articles published in the last five years, addressing issues concerning the benefits and difficulties in management systems and specifically in food safety systems, a questionnaire template was designed for FSSC 22000 standard certified packaging industries.
Unlike other management standards, such as ISO 9001, whose certification is currently consolidated in Brazil and worldwide, as a competitive and strategic advantage, and in many cases as a contractual requirement between companies[1616 Viera, A., Caraschi, J. C., & Prates, G. A. (2014). Implantação do certificado ISO 9001 em uma empresa no setor de papelão: avaliando seus impactos organizacionais. Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 8(3), 263-270. -270. ], FSSC 22000 is not widespread yet. This way, the certification has been recently obtained by organizations. Thus, the intention for conquering the certification was evaluated.
Only one of the participating companies sought the FSSC 22000 certification driven by internal reasons: product quality and safety improvement. It was found that this company is national and operates in the domestic market only, and had already been certified in other ISO management standards.
The high cost for implementing FSSC 22000 may be the greatest barrier for small businesses seeking to be certified, since the availability of financial resources was strongly cited by companies as essential for this conquest. Besides, studies on food chain organizations point out small businesses are less likely to have a certificated quality and safety food system due to the financial cost[2020 Paula, S. L., & Ravagnani, M. A. S. S. (2009). Lógica Fuzzy como Ferramenta de Decisão na Identificação dos Perigos Significativos e Medidas Preventivas de Controle do Sistema APPCC (Doctoral dissertation). Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá. ].
The key factors, which facilitated the implementation of FSSC 22000 are seen in Table 4 . Predominantly considered by eight out of the nine companies that were already certified in (an) other standard(s), having an implemented management system was a major facilitator for the implementation of FSSC 22000. Like other voluntary management standards, which are strongly influenced by ISO 9001, FSSC 22000 was too. In addition, they present very similar management system requirements.
This paper has enabled progress in mapping and understanding the reality of plastic packaging manufacturers for food and beverages, which are certified according to standard FSSC 220000. It was concluded that, among the reasons that led the companies to seek the certification, the main one was to improve competitiveness and customer retention. The greatest difficulties were related to personnel, which presented technical and behavioral issues. In addition, it was noticed that an overall satisfaction, derived from after-certification benefits, have been arisen in the companies. For instance, an increase in employee awareness, improvement of the company's image and conquest the new customers, significantly contributing to their competitiveness, are some of the benefits found in this process. 153554b96e