Matlab 7.14 Free Download
Matlab 7.14 Free Download >>>
In this case, the frequency with the maximum received signal power is at about 2.86kHz. Since the transmitter is sending a tone at 10 kHz, this means the frequency offset is about 7.14kHz. The spurious free dynamic range of the signal is about 44.5 dB.
July 18, 2022 : 2022-new New standalone licenses for 2022-2023If you received your standalone matlab license from us (systems group)last year, you may now download your renewed 2022 standalone matlab license from our systems page below. It is good for matlab version 9.12 or below.Follow the licensing section to use your downloaded license.lic. Standalone licenses for 2022-2023******************************************LICENSING******************************************Go to the above URL and click on the link for your computer. Then do aright-click on the license file link and select "Download" or "Save link as" to download the file and not display it in the browser. Make sure your license file is named license.lic with no extra extensions. This must be a plain-text file (not Word or other word processing file).MOVE ANY and ALL existing files in /licenses/ to a subfoldernamed SAVE (for save keeping) and place this new license.lic inthe /licenses/ folder. Email us if you don't know how to openthe folder.This license file will work for any matlab from 7.0 forward to the present version. It should just work. If you are requested to "Activate", if possible just close the request window and ignore. Otherwise, do activate without internet and give the path to your license file.******************************************TROUBLESHOOTING LICENSING******************************************Here are some typical reasons why your license may not work.If none of the tips help, please email
May 10, 2020 : searchdomains Set search domains from the command line macOSHere is a typical usage. networksetup -setsearchdomains Ethernet nyu.eduTo see the result, do networksetup -getsearchdomains EthernetThe above applies to your ethernet networking and if you have multiple ethernet nodes, the syntax is a bit different.If you want the above to apply to your wireless networking, then replaceEthernet with Wi-Fi. April 10, 2020 : caseDiffering in caseTo list all files and folders in /path/to/foodir whose paths differ only in case, you can use the following command. find /path/to/foodir | sort -f | uniq -i -DFor example, for the current working folder, you would do find . | sort -f | uniq -i -D January 10, 2020 : adobeSigning in for Adobe CC appsWhen you launch an Adobe app and you are not signed in, it will give youan adobe sign-in panel, use for email address, which willthen give you the usual NYU sign-in page. Note that once your are signed in to Adobe, it is good for all Adobe CC appson that machine.To sign out from an Adobe app, do Adobe app > Help > Sign out.**** 2019 **** June 10, 2019 Matlab 9.6 for all platforms [macOS, Linux, Windows]Matlab 9.6 is executable from our /share area. But this is so large, you should only run this from your local disk and not a network volume.If you need this installed on a desktop machine here, please email systems@cns.nyu.eduTo install it on your own machine, follow the simple instructions at February 10, 2019 : sshfs sshfs for all platforms [macOS, Linux, Windows]You can use sshfs to mount remote directories for which you have ssh access to. Such mounts will appear natively within your file manager. Thisis available on all platforms (macOS, Linux and Windows). Here are the simpleinstall instructions: install the FUSE and sshfs packages for your platform.******************macOS******************From, download and install the FUSE and sshfspackages. The sshfs binary is installed in /usr/local/bin.******************Linux******************Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install sshfsCentos: sudo yum install fuse-sshfs******************Windows******************Install the FUSE (WinFsp) and sshfs (sshfs-win) packages. The first link has the latest stable release for sshfs and WinFsp. Install both packages.The first link also has basic instructions for using sshfs on Windows. Scroll down to download the stable release of sshfs-win and WinFsp. Latest stable release of WinFsp February 5, 2019 Instructions on how to use sshfs [macOS | Linux] How to mount remote folders with sshfs under Linux as well as macOS[Windows] How to mount remote folders with sshfs under Windows February 3, 2019 Recommended sshfs mount options The unadorned syntax is just sshfs what-to-mount where-to-mount-itHere is more concrete example. mkdir ~/mnt/user@rhost sshfs user@rhost:/path/to/data ~/mnt/user@rhostFor better performance, the recommended sshfs mount options are as follows.sshfs -o cache=yes -o kernel_cache -o compression=no -o Cipher=arcfour \-o volname=mymount user@remotehost:/path/to/dir ~/mnt/mymountSee this article on Sharing data using sshfsComparing sshfs and NFS:The results were quite interesting. With a little tuning, SSHFS performance was pretty close to NFS performance for sequential write and re-write, even when default encryption (aes-128) was used. When compression was turned on, sequential read and re-read performance was actually better than NFS and better than wire speed. Random write IOPS performance was always very good, either coming close to NFS performance or achieving 50% better performance. However, random read IOPS performance was never better than 60% of NFS performance.Comparing NFS and SMB:NFS offers a better performance and is unbeatable if the files are medium sized or small. If the files are large enough the timings of both methods get closer to each other. Click here to see more details.Performance differences between NFS and SMB January 30, 2019 : myip What is my public IPv4 To get your public IP address, do one of the following. - In Terminal, paste curl ; echo - In your browser search text field, enter what is my ipv4 January 20, 2019 Changes to NYU VPN: full VPN supported and MFA requiredNote that NYU VPN now offers full and split VPN as the choice betweenAll Traffic and NYU-NET Traffic Only. The All Traffic means all your networktraffic is routed through NYU VPN as opposed to only NYU-NET traffic isgoing through NYU VPN. As a general rule, if you need to access restricted journals, use the All Traffic group, otherwise use the NYU-NET Traffic Only group.Do NOT use It will no longer work!Secondly, NYU VPN now requires MFA. In the Cisco GUI, the first passwordfield is for your netid password and in the second password field you normallyenter push to request a Duo push to your default mobile device. However, if you have multiple MFA devices, then you need to enter pushN where N is the N-th MFA device you had registered for MFA. But if you have numerousMFA devices, then it may be difficult to figure out the number N, in whichcase it may be easier to simply enter the passcode given by the Duo app on themobile device you have at hand.-- NYU VPN Page January 7, 2019 Apple locked files macOS has the ability to set some flag values to make a file immutableno matter what your privileges are. To see the flag values, do ls -lOTo unlock all files in folder foodir, do chflags -R nouchg foodir
April 10, 2018 Matlab 9.4-2018aMatlab 9.4 (2018a) is now available for testing for our Unix platforms (macOS and Linux). For either platform, you may invoke the 9.4 Matlab GUI via the command matlab9.4 ( /share/erda/bin/matlab9.4 )Alternatively, for macOS and Linux you may just double click on /share/erda/matlab9.4 and for macOS, there is additionally /share/Applications/********************************LIVE VERSIONS********************************For live versions of matlab for macOS and Linux, look under thefolder /share/erda. For macOS specific versions, look under the folder /share/Applications/Legacy.Available versions include 9.4, 9.3, 9.2, 8.3, 8.0 and 7.10.********************************GATEWAY MATLAB FOLDER********************************For live, legacy and archive versions of matlab as well asWindows versions, see our gateway folder for matlab at /share/Public/MATLAB/********************************DOWNLOADING MATLAB********************************To download a copy of matlab to your own machine, it is best to download it from our Internal Matlab Page - click on the convenience link at thetop of There are versions for allthree supported platforms ( macOS, Linux, Windows ).If you would like to have a copy on your local disk but you do not haveadmin privileges, email us.Do not download these matlab packages to your network home directories.Make sure you download it to your local disk.********************************MATLAB SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS********************************For system requirements for all three supported platforms of various versions of matlab, see -- Matlab system requirements for macOS/Linux/Windows -- Mathworks reference for system requirements
November 25, 2017 Matlab 9.3-2017bMatlab 9.3 (2017b) is now available for testing for our Unix platforms (macOS and Linux). For either platform, you may invoke the 9.3 Matlab GUI via the command matlab9.3 ( /share/erda/bin/matlab9.3 )Alternatively, for macOS and Linux you may just double click on /share/erda/matlab9.3 and for macOS, there is additionally /share/Applications/********************************LIVE VERSIONS********************************For live versions of matlab for macOS and Linux, look under thefolder /share/erda. For macOS specific versions, look under the folder /share/Applications/Legacy.Available versions include 9.3, 9.2, 9.1, 9.0, 8.3, 8.0 and 7.10.********************************GATEWAY MATLAB FOLDER********************************For live, legacy and archive versions of matlab as well asWindows versions, see our gateway folder for matlab at /share/Public/MATLAB/********************************DOWNLOADING MATLAB********************************To download a copy of matlab to your own machine, it is best to download it from our Internal Matlab Page - click on the convenience link at thetop of There are versions for allthree supported platforms ( macOS, Linux, Windows ).If you would like to have a copy on your local disk but you do not haveadmin privileges, email us.Do not download these matlab packages to your network home directories.********************************MATLAB SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS********************************For system requirements for all three supported platforms of various versions of matlab, seeMatlab system requirements for macOS/Linux/WindowsMathworks reference for system requirements 2b1af7f3a8