Maxtree Plant Models Vol 12
Plant Models Vol 12 is a collection of high-quality 3D models for architectural visualization. It includes 12 species and each species with 6 different variations models. All models are ready for Forest Pack Pro library and GrowFX origin files.
Plant Models Vol 12 is a collection of high-quality 3D tree models. Includes 12 species, total 72 models.Acer campestreAcer pseudoplatanusBetula pendulaCeltis australisCercis siliquastrumFraxinus excelsiorGinkgo bilobaGleditsia triacanthosPlatanus occidentalisPopulus nigraQuercus roburSorbus aucuparia
The fungi of southern Asian are extremely diverse (Hyde et al. 2018, Cheek et al. 2020). During a survey of fungal diversity in ornamental plants in south-western China from 2017 to 2019, more than 2000 strains were obtained, which represented asexual morphs of both Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Some new taxa were previously described by our research group as pathogens or endophytes (e.g. Liang et al. 2018, Long et al. 2019, Sun et al. 2020, Wijesinghe et al. 2020, Zhang et al. 2020).
In this paper, we report on Zasmidium species found on medicinal plants in China. One new species (Zasmidium liboense) and one new Chinese record (Z. citri-griseum) are reported, based on evidence from morphology and molecular phylogeny. 153554b96e