Monheims Local Anesthesia Ebook Free 48
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The needle-free liquid jet injector is the most commonly used method for therapeutic drug and vaccine delivery. It is also required for many small bioequivalence studies and for immunization of children. Although the needle-free liquid jet injector (MUNJI) has been used for therapeutic delivery for more than 50 years, it was not until the early 1990s that it was introduced into clinical practice. At that time, the technology was about 2 decades old and despite some reports of efficiency in large bioequivalence studies36,37,38, the technology was not considered to be sufficiently developed. Furthermore, owing to a lack of good mechanistic understanding of capillary flow and droplet formation/coalescence, the jet injection technology was considered to be far more complicated than needle-based injections. Until modern technology was developed, needle-based injections were considered the gold standard. Today, needle-free liquid jet injector technology is well developed, and it is considered to be equivalent to needle-based injection technology in terms of its therapeutic efficacy. Early clinical studies initially indicated improvement in patient safety, ease of handling and patient compliance in comparison with needles37,39. Safety studies using MUNJIs demonstrate a lack of serious vein/artery injury. The therapy is now becoming a more firm alternative to both the patient's and healthcare provider's preferences. Reduced pain and anxiety are major advantages, particularly in the paediatric age group. The use of jet injectors is expected to expand further with the availability of needle-free liquid formulations similar to those of the parenteral injectable, freeze-dried and reconstituted (FDC) vaccines, and to increase use of needle-free liquid-filled elastomeric gelatin injection devices (ELJIs) for population immunization40. Introduction of new formulations using MUNJIs lends credence to the value of this modality in therapeutic drug delivery. 7211a4ac4a