One Stop Teacher Shop Math Homework NEW!
One Stop Teacher Shop Math Homework ->->->->
Math resources can be hard to come by. As a result, I put together this collection of FREE math resources for teaching math for grades Kindergarten through High School. Whether you are a classroom teacher or a homeschooling parent, teaching in-person or teaching online (distance learning), I have some FREE math resources for everyone.
I LOVE spiral review, and I spent years making all of my spiral review math resources digital with Google Forms! As a result, teachers can now provide a quality daily review for their students without all of the grading. Google Forms are the perfect digital resource because they are digital (obviously), they automatically grade themselves, and they provide tons of data and feedback. In fact, if you are deep in distance learning or using Google Classroom, this resource is a MUST!
One of the biggest questions I get from teachers is \"How do you manage your daily homework system without eating up too much time\" The struggle is real! Teachers are already on a time crunch every read more
As a teacher, I always made it my goal to make sure everything I did, or made my students do, was meaningful. Whether it be reading homework, math centers, or morning work, I didn't like wasting time; read more
Managing homework is definitely something that many teachers struggle with. Whether your issue is \"How much should I give\", \"What is the best way to correct it\", or \"How can I make it more read more
When teaching math, we teach our students new skills, give them practice opportunities in class, and send them home with even more practice for homework. This makes me wonder....\"Why don't we do the read more
@tmercer is right Elementary is trickier! What we tell our Elementary teachers when we train them that their main audience are the parents. So we have them create a homepage but \"buttons/images\" that link to pages where the content lies. They have basic content in those pages like homework rules, supplies needed, meet the teacher, links and stuff like that and we stress to them the importance of using the Calendar!
Our students lead very busy lives. Finding time to study and prepare for classes is always difficult. Apartments are often small. Many of them share their space with teenagers or relatives; it can be noisy. I have talked before about going to the library or to class early to find some quiet time. Try finding a \"study buddy\", someone from your class, a friend or a neighbor with whom you can exchange ideas, try out your written assignments, and practice your math.Two of my distance learning students also take a Saturday morning class. They sit together and go over homework at a nearby coffee shop. They tell me that learning this way is fun! I never have time in the day to study.Never be without something to read. In and around your work and home and school obligations, there is lots of opportunity to open a book or quality newspaper. When you are waiting for the train or bus and when you are on public transportation, you can read. If you are sitting in the waiting room of your doctor or dentist, you can be reading. The material can be related to your class assignments or a novel or biography from the public library. The essential here is for you to get into a habit that will help you with your studies and become a lifetime source of satisfaction. The more you read, the more you will know.
A good curriculum should incorporate parents, teachers, and students to align what teachers do and what students learn (Curriculum and Expected Learning Outcomes Unesco IIEP Learning Portal, n.d.). Instructional materials are the supports used to teach the curriculum. Textbooks, workbooks, homework, quizzes, and tests are examples of instructional materials supporting student learning. Curriculum alignment is a process that seeks to ensure that the curriculum has coherence and consistency between the intended outcomes through teaching methods, assessments, and learning activities (Özpolat, Esen & Bay, 2020). The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires each school district within a state to develop and implement an accountability model that includes indicators of success, addressing subgroups, provides interim measures of progress, and meets long term-goals. States are mandated to submit accountability plans to receive federal funding. Every state board of education submits the ESSA plan to DoEd for review and approval. At the district level, instructional materials must be aligned to the adopted state academic standards. The approved accountability model within states helps ensure districts meets this requirement. In 45 states, the state board of education adopts learning standards that all students are expected to achieve (National Association of State Boards of Education, n.d). Local school districts are expected to choose curriculum and instructional materials that align with the state-adopted education standards. Every 3 years, state boards of education must use data from their accountability system and identify schools in need of improvement (lowest 5 percent). States can intervene and request improvement actions if the district continues to fall behind, and they must set aside 7 percent of Title I funds for school improvement purposes (Mann, 2017).
Since the creation of CCSS, most states aligned their math and ELA education standards with CCSS. A recent study estimates the effects of CCSS adoption on student achievement in the other areas of science and social studies. They found that CCSS decreased student achievement in these non-CCSS subject areas. The study found that CCSS harmed student achievement in non-targeted subjects of science and social studies. They discovered that underprivileged students were negatively affected the most by the implementation of CCSS. The authors explain that these findings imply that CCSS increased racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic student achievement gaps in science and social studies (Arold and Shakeel, 2021). Since teachers were so focused on math and ELA, they likely neglected other subject areas that contributed to the adverse outcomes of students most in need. Overall, the researchers concluded that CCSS caused a reduction of focus on science, social studies, and the arts have a negative impact on student learning outcomes. As stated above, student outcomes are declining for our most vulnerable students. CCSS has failed, and it is critical to allow states the freedom to choose curricula consistent with effective teaching research.
MonTAGe is the Electronic Journal of the TAGFAM Mailing list. MonTAGeis written by and for the families of gifted and talented individuals.Editor: Valorie J. King ( is hereby given for noncommercial electronic or printformat redistribution of intact articles from MonTAGe. Please cite\"MonTAGe: The TAGFAM E-Journal (c) 1996 Valorie J. King.\"The opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the individual authors.In This Issue:From The Editor's DeskResources For Beginning HomeschoolersForever ChangedTaking Charge Of Your Child's EducationA Typical Day ...A Homeschooler's Guide To The LibraryProblem Solving 101: Planning Your CurriculumProblem Solving 102: Planning Theme UnitsProblem Solving 103: Starting In The MiddleFrom The Editor's Desk by Valorie King ( than compete with the hundreds of authors who have written books and magazine articles about the basics of homeschooling, this issue of MonTAGe is devoted to my own peculiar opinions about the education of intellectually gifted children. I hope you enjoy reading it. I'd like to encourage you to comment on the articles both to the TAGFAM mailing list and to me personally. Starting with this issue, July 1996, we're going to move to a monthly publication schedule. This change will give others in the TAGFAM community time to polish their prose and contribute to our E-Journal. Please considerwriting an article or book review for an upcoming issue: Issue Date Copy Due Topics8/5/96 7/22/96 Back To School: Understanding Public Education9/9/96 8/29/96 Back-to-school: tips for helping your child settle in with a new teacher.10/7/96 9/30/96 Distance Education: Options for the gifted (under-challenged) learner.-- Valorie --Resources for Beginning Homeschoolers by Valorie King ( you're ready to seriously think about homeschooling -- visit your public library or local bookseller. If they don't stock books on homeschooling you can order books via the Internet ( or ) At the library, the books you want are shelved in the 300's (How & what to teach) and the 600's (parenting which includes homeschooling as a subtopic). You'll find useful books in both the children's department and the general collection. Summer time is a good time to go looking for many of these books since, around here, the shelves empty in late August as the teachers prepare to go back to school. The increasing numbers of families choosing to educate their children at home have created a large market for books and magazine articles abouthomeschooling. Booksellers and librarians, following this trend arestocking their shelves with newly issued titles and the old stand-bys.The magazine racks are loaded with magazines that offer both content(e.g. Odyssey or Cobblestone) and how-to (The Teaching Home, Instructor).A quick check of the shelves at a local bookseller's shows four or five\"getting started\" titles and another handful that cover the spectrum:record keeping, where to buy books and materials, what to teach, philosophyof homeschooling, successful support groups, cooperative learning groups.At the bookstore, books on homeschooling tend to be shelved under \"education\" or \"parenting/special-needs-children.\" Books on \"how and what to teach\" tend to be with the children's books. If you haven't spent acouple of hours in a good children's bookstore lately -- take the timeto do so. Even if you have to drive an hour or two to find one, it's worththe drive. Some communities are fortunate to have a teacher's supply store or an upscale toy store (e.g. Zany Brainy) that stocks such titles as \"Teaching Gifted Kids In The Regular Classroom\" and \"The Gifted Kids' Survival Guide.\" You'll also find curriculum materials, workbooks, and study guides based upon themes such as inventions, creepy crawlies (insects), and classic children's literature.My personal favorite homeschool resource book for beginning homeschoolersis Borg Hendrickson's \"Homeschool: Taking The First Steps.\" It covers the bases whether you're starting at Kindergarten or high school. Her other book, \"How To Write Your Own Low-Cost/No-Cost Curriculum,\" is another of my favorite how-to handbooks for homeschoolers. Since this book is for grades K-6 I use the course descriptions from the University of Nebraska's Independent Study High School catalog to plan high school curriculums.(I also use the undergraduate catalog from the University of Marylandand cruise the textbook aisles at the university's bookstore.)The \"dean\" of homeschool authors is probably Mary Pride. Her homeschoolclassics, \"The Big Book Of Home Learning\" volumes I-IV, are a fairly comprehensive set of resource guides which include ordering informationfor a large number of homeschool supply houses. Magazines are another source of useful information for beginning and experienced homeschoolers:The Teaching Home (strong Christian basis)Home EducationGrowing Without SchoolingInstructor (targeted towards K-6 classroom teachers)Learning '96 (K-6 classroom teachers)Beginning homeschoolers tend to buy \"too much.\" It's easy to get lostin the bookstore or catalog and order more than you really need toget started. Start with a curriculum handbook and a teacher's planbook.Borrow everything else from the library or a friend until you're surethat you absolutely must have a copy of your own.Homeschooling Information on the World Wide WebA Webcrawler search ( ) of Internet sites listing \"homeschooling\" as a keyword produced hundreds of listings. If you don't have the ability to use Lynx or Netscape (or a similar program) to browse the web, you really should consider getting an Internet account that will allow you to do so. The cost for our household's PPP dial-up account is about the same as what we pay for cable television. In my opinion, fullInternet access is worth far more than cable TV. Who needs TV whenyou've got the world to explore The explosion in information available via Internet astounds me. Reference books, library catalogs, full texts of articles, and an enormous variety of educational sites are just a mouse-click away. It really is an information junkie's paradise. Ooops, I meant to say a \"homeschooler's paradise.\"Some links to start with:UNL - High School CoursesHomeschool WorldHomeschool (Net Resources)The ExploratoriumThe Observatorium (NASA)Peterson's GuidesSAT's, GRE's and moreFinding What Works For YouHomeschool supply houses and correspondence schools offer complete packages, from pencils to textbooks. This might sound like an easyway to get started but, for the intellectually gifted child, it could be \"more of the same thing.\" More of the same, boring, lock-step, worksheet-driven curriculum which didn't work in school -- whyshould it work at home Fortunately, there are options and, sinceyou're in charge now, you and your children can choose what works foryou both. Next stop -- the public library and/or your local booksellerwith a side trip to the World Wide Web. You'll have your answers in no time at all!Forever Changed by Valorie King ( gifted children at home is a life changing experience.It is the rare person who is not caught up in the excitement of the child's discoveries and the pleasures of learning through experimentation.Sharing in the gifted child's burning desire for knowledge, the search for competency, and the bursts of creativity that so characterize these children awakens our own giftedness. Seeing the world through the wide eyed innocence of a child changes how we think, process information, and experience the world around us. Rain and puddles become venues for impromptu science lessons. Museums become playgrounds and playgrounds become learning labs. The world is our classroom. We become renaissance people. Our lifestyles and opinions change in ways that friends, family, and acquaintences find curious and disconcerting. Our time is our own. We have choices and options that are not available to those who are under the tyranny of bus schedules and school year calendars.Taking on the roles of teacher and mentor to the gifted child stretches us beyond our limits at times. And, in that stretching we find our own growth.We are forever changed.Taking Charge of Your Child's Education by Valorie King ( You don't have to homeschool in order to take charge of your child'seducation -- but it helps.2) Changing the power balance is a difficult endeavor. Parents are \"expected\" to be subordinate to the authority of the education profession and to its practitioners. Teachers are trained to be \"in charge\" of their classrooms. Principals are \"given charge\" over their schools: classrooms, teachers, supplies, resources, and children.Changing the way the system works requires changing the laws which authorize and fund public schools in your state. Momentum and bureaucratic gravity are in their favor.The power equation has many variables. Sometimes the only way to favorably change the balance of power is to negate the influence of competing variables -- by electing to homeschool.3) The \"party-line\" is \"we know what is best for your child.\" What theymean is \"we know what we've been told is best for children the sameage as your child.\" Child development courses, taught in schools of education, rarely even mention the intellectually gifted child. Your child isn't like the children those courses are based upon -- if he was, he wouldn't be intellectually gifted, would he Teacher training,below the master's degree level, rarely includes more than a passingmention of the differential educational needs of the intellectuallygifted child.4) Recognize the \"party line\" and don't let it derail your efforts to achieve a good classroom or educational environment for your child. 5) Teachers, principals, and other \"professionals\" are trained in methods for \"encouraging\" parents to accept the decisions and judgements of the \"professionals.\" Don't let this \"encouragement\" get you down. Take their opinions under advisement and then do your own research and investigating. Reality may be far different from the picture which is painted for you by those intimately involved in the situation.6) If your child is in school, then the burden of proof is upon you. You have to prove that what they are doing is not effective, that it is their fault, and that they have the ability and resources to make changes that will be effective. If your child is taught at home, the tables are reversed. Rarely is it worth the school district's time and money to \"prove\" that your homeschooling is not in accordance with state law.7) When you homeschool it becomes possible to empower your children by adapting the learning environment to each child's needs and interests. Or, better yet, children can be given real responsibility and decision making authority for many aspects of their education and learning environment.8) Taking charge of your child's education requires that you now take on the leadership role and that school officials and education professionals become advisors to you. They may feel uncomfortable in their new roles. They may even decline to participate. If so, find your own outside sources of professional advice.9) Education is a constitutionally guaranteed right for every citizen. If you choose to educate your children outside publicly supervised institutions then you should expect to be held accountable for providing an education which meets the standards set by your state of residence.This does not mean that the state has the right to invade your privacy or otherwise violate your rights as parents and citizens. It does mean that recordkeeping and accountability are part of your homeschooling responsibilities. Your state's home education laws will detail your responsibilities and the methods which have been established to provide the legally required oversight for homeschoolers in your state.10) The schools are now used to deliver a wide variety of governmental services to children and families. In most states, when you choose to homeschool you are no longer automatically included in these services. If you wish to participate in hearing and vision screenings or other public health services normally delivered via the schools then it is your responsibility to contact the public health department and make the appropriate arrangements. Participation in other programs, services, and activities may also be open to homeschoolers. You'll never know unless you ask.A Typical Day ... by Valorie King ( there any such thing as a typical homeschool day We have friendswho homeschool ... by the clock. Their school day starts at 9:00AMwith everyone at the kitchen table, textbooks at hand. Lunch is atNoon. If there's school in the afternoon it's phys. ed. or a groupouting. Three pages of math, spelling words neatly written, a paragraphcopied out of a manuscript book. Science worksheets and reading aloud from the next section of the history book. I think we had a day like that in our household -- once.A typical homeschool day for us is marked by its quiet chaos. Math isfrom a textbook. We've learned through experience that minimum standardsfor progress are necessary. Otherwise, everyone plays computer gamesinstead of doing their problem sets. The rest of our studies tend tobe thematic. Last spring, we spent a month or two learning how to writenonfiction magazine articles. Along with learning the critical analysis ofother people's writing and writing some articles ourselves, we learned science, social studies, and English grammar. Our six year old's Cub Scout outing turned into an impromptu lesson for his siblings; as we toured the printing plant everyone learned how magazines are created from text and artwork through binding and packaging.Our oldest son, age 14, is beginning to think about college. For the comingyear, his studies are from textbooks purchased at the university bookstore.Out of necessity, his studies are becoming more structured. Deadlinesand due dates are becoming as important as the quality of his work. This is a radical change from our easy going style over the past two years. Time management and study skills, frequent lecture topics in the past, are now his responsibility. It's time for this fledgling to try his wings while the costs of failure are still manageable.Our middle child, a daughter age 11, is a sponge. There are times when I think she's going to be ready for college before her older brother.She reads anything and everything in sight. We use the checklistsfrom both Boy Scout and Girl Scout merit badges to \"officially\" keep track of her learning activities. Her learning activities are projectbased and geared towards her holistic learning style. She and I share a preference for processing information in a whole-to-parts fashion. She spends part of her school day engaging her younger brother in dramatic play and artistic endeavors. He responds well to her encouragement and tries to \"keep up\" with her.Our youngest son, age 6, is a challenge. Fortunately, he likes to be challenged in return, especially by his older sister. Computer games and educational software are his \"school\" activities of choice. Worksheets and rote memorization are met with a stone-wall of opposition. But, the same material, in the form of a computer game keeps his attention for hours. His learning activities are fun, hands-on, and full of activity. Games, puzzles, and \"find-my-mistakes\" are strategies that work well for him. He also uses Cub Scout activities for his schoolwork. So, there you have it -- a typical day, past and present. Sounds confusingWe've been at this for four years now. It works for us. Each child's schoolwork is customized to his or her interests and needs. Our teaching and learning strategies automatically include compaction (more stuff in less time), testing-out (you take the chapter test in math anytime you're ready), acceleration (as soon as you can read it, you can study it), and all those other \"strategies\" that parents of gifted children wish educatorswould implement in the regular classrooms. Is it hard Sometimes. But, it's a whole lot easier than spending my days in meetings at school trying to get the teachers to change what they're doing. My eveningsbelong to me -- I may do windows but I DON'T do homework. Not anymore.A Homeschooler's Guide To The Library by Valorie King ( was the last time you got \"lost\" in the library It has been afavorite pasttime of mine since elementary school when the librarianwould set me to \"reading\" the shelves (putting books in order by callnumber) to keep me out of my third grade teacher's hair. These daysyou don't even have to physically go to the library. You can browsethe shelves via Internet. Be careful! Or, you may end up as I did lastnight ... lost in the \"virtual\" stacks. Here are some pointers to get you started: _web/courses/course.htmThe Dewey Decimal System000-099 General Works -- Computer Stuff like the Internet, MS-DOS, Windows-95 ... Encyclopedias Books about books: which ones are good to read at what ages. History of Knowledge, Lifelong reading/learning plans Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Computers as machines Codes & Ciphers Communication Listening Skills Guides to music, videos, films Museums, Libraries Journalism, Newspapers, Magazines100-199 Philosophy -- Motivational Writing (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) Inspirational books Stress management Ethics and Morality Zen, Yoga, I Ching, Plato, Aristotle, Confucious Existentialism & Humanism Parapsychology, the paranormal, the supernatural History of philosophy Psychology -- (answers to frequent questions on TAGFAM) Cognitive -- how people think Perceptual -- how our senses work Intelligence -- what it is and how it's measured Creativity -- what it is, how to be _more_ creative Memory -- how it works, how to improve yours Testing & Measurement Child Development Character & Temperament200-299 Religion -- Mythology -- Greek & Roman Mythology Religious Writings & Texts (Holy Books) Comparative religions & world religions History of religious groups Cults, Sects, \"Pagan\" religions Monotheistic and Polytheistic religions300-399 Social Sciences -- Sociology and Anthropology Interpersonal relationships including friends, family, work Communities and cultures Parenting and child rearing \"Teen\" topics Folklore, Holidays, Festivals Government, Politics, Law, Military, Criminal Justice Economics, Business, Real Estate, Commerce Transportation Etiquette and customs Careers & Vocations Education: (more answers to frequent TAGFAM questions) 371.95 -- Books about TAG Books on how to teach!!! Curriculum Guidebooks, Lesson Plans & Classroom Activities \"Homework Helper\" books (quick references) Collections of worksheets for math, science, English, ... Psychology of learning Teaching tips for various content areas Montessori (also found under 150's)400-499 Language Dictionaries, grammar Fun books about word origins Books about different ways of writing (runes, cuniform) Latin, Greek, and other foreign languages Sign Language Pronuciation Guides for TV and Radio500-599 Pure Science Mathematics including textbooks Physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, nature study600-699 Technology (Applied Science) Homeschooling!!! \"The Big Book of Home Learning\" and other \"how-to\" books Curriculum Books for Homeschoolers Family Matters and other \"why we homeschool\" books Parenting and raising children including special needs and gifted children. Cooking, building, home repairs, sewing & crafts Books about specific computer programs e.g. word processing Books about business including typing, accounting, marketing Gardening & Pets700-799 Arts How-to books and \"appreciation\" books Photography, painting, drawing, music Sports Recreational Activities & Games800-899 Literature How to write: Speeches Non-fiction Magazine Articles Children's Books General fiction and Genre fiction (science fiction, mystery, westerns, romance) Anthologies & Collections Essays & Poetry Plays900-999 History Ancient & Modern History Geography by state and country Travel920-929 Collections of biographies92 Individual biographiesProblem Solving 101: Planning Your Curriculum by Valorie King ( the course of twelve or thirteen years of study, children spend aninordinate amount of time rehashing the same old stuff in science,history, social studies, and mathematics. Each year of study adds onlya small amount of new material. Gifted students are able to handlemuch greater depth, breadth, and complexity/difficulty at earlier ages/grades than their age mates. Curriculums for homeschooled giftedstudents can and should be adapted to reflect both their penchant for \"trying to drink the ocean\" (breadth of subject matter) and the tendencyto pin-point focus on minutia and detail. It can be difficult for the teaching parent to anticipate which learningmode the gifted child will be in at any given point in time. Thus, purchasing a canned curriculum or even graded-textbooks can be a waste of money. The best approach is to get a curriculum handbook and work fromthe scope and sequence lists in it. \"Scope\" is the educator's term forthe breadth of the subject matter (detail level). \"Sequence\" is the termfor the order in which skills and content are taught arranged by grade.The curriculum handbook (scope and sequence) lists, by subject area, the \"skills\" which are commonly taught at each grade level. Most skills arelisted for a range of grades since they are taught multiple times ingreater depth/detail (spiral curriculum).Many textbook suppliers for homeschoolers will send you an abbreviatedscope and sequence chart for their curriculum so that you can see whatsubject areas they cover at each grade level. Or, your state departmentof education or local school district may provide (sell) you a copy oftheir \"required\" curriculum. Using these scope and sequence listings you can choose books from the public library, bookstore, or curriculum supplierthat meet your goals for your child's education. Ask the children's librarians or children's department specialist at the bookstore to help you find books that fit into the scope and sequence you've chosen to use.Curriculum StrategiesPreschool and KindergartenThe best curriculums are oriented towards hands-on activities at thisage. It is not necessary to start teaching reading or mathematics atthis age. Take your lead from the child's interests and desires.The public library usually has one or two curriculum and activitybooks for this age group, shelved in the 300's. Look for:\"The Instant Curriculum\"\"Mudpies to Magnets\"\"The NEW Kindergarten\"Montessori activities are a big favorite with this age group. There areseveral books which detail the teaching methods, the activities, andgive good \"how to make your own\" instructions for the hands-on materials.Look for:\"Teaching Montessori In The Home: The Preschool Years\"\"Teaching Montessori In The Home: The School Years\"Both books are by Elizabeth G. Hainstock and are available in paperback.Spend your money on arts and crafts materials rather than textbooks.Cutting paper and coloring are important at this age since both activitiesencourage muscular development in the forearm and improve hand-eyecoordination.Field trips are good ways to put science and social studies into your day.The grocery store, the gas station, the park ... everywhere you go becomesa learning opportunity. Use your errands as school time.Lower Elementary (Grades 1-3)These grades are the foundation of education. Children learn the basicskills of literacy: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Hands on activitiesare still important; books and \"seated\" work are introduced. How you teachat this age really depends upon the child -- what type of learner is heor she Until you've got that figured out, use a variety of styles andapproaches. Engage all the senses including movement and touch.If you decide to purchase a formal curriculum for your intellectuallygifted child, consider purchasing only grade 2 or 3. Supplement withmaterials from the library as needed. Peggy Kaye's books are excellentfor use with this age group:\"Games for Learning\"\"Games for Reading\"\"Games for Math\"Upper Elementary (Grades 4-6)During these grades, children are typically at the stage where they aresearching for competency. Their interests are wide and varied. Thematicunits are a good choice. If you plan on purchasing a formal curriculumfor these grades, consider purchasing only grade 6. The standardcurriculum is designed in a spiral which repeats at least three monthsworth of the previous year's content in each succeeding year. Giftedchildren do not need the extensive review that is built into thestandard curriculum. For mathematics, move directly to algebra assoon as the child has mastered basic arithmetic operations and can solve word problems with help.Notes on elementary school curricula:Children need to learn the basics -- reading, writing, and arithmetic.They also need to learn how to use a library and how to find informationon their own. Study skills and time management should be introduced assoon as the child seems ready. Friendships are important but the childshould not be forced to socialize with age-mates. Peers are those withwhom we share common interests. For the gifted child, peers may be older,younger, or a mixture of the two.Middle School (grades 6-9)At this level, the child can become a self-directed learner if he or sheisn't already. Thematic units are favorites at this age. (See the followingarticle on planning theme units.) For mathematics, continue in thestandard sequence: pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, advanced algebra &trigonometry, functions & equations (analysis), probability & statistics,calculus. For science, consider getting a group together for lab courses.Foreign language study should be introduced at this point (if you haven'tstarted already). Concentrate on projects and other \"output\" which showsmastery and accomplishment.Textbooks for these grades can be purchased from one of the correspondencehigh school programs. \"The Independent Study Guide\" lists hundreds ofprograms for both high school and college level study. The University ofNebraska's Independent Study High School's catalog of courses and textbookscan be accessed online at: High School (grades 7-12)The typical high school program includes: 3-4 yrs. mathematics 2 yrs. foreign language 3-4 yrs. English: grammar, critical reading, literature, research skills and writing reports 3-4 yrs. Social Studies/History including American History 3-4 yrs. Science: Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics 3-4 yrs. Physical Education/Recreation/Health 3-4 yrs. Fine Arts (Music, Drawing, \"Art\" Appreciation & History)For the gifted child, there is no need to languish in high school. As soonas he or she is ready, move into college level textbooks. For one thing,they're easy to find (if you live near a university) and you can look atthem before you buy them. College textbooks often cover the same material as advanced or honors level high school courses and the publishers will sell you solutions books or teacher's editions (which cannot be purchased for K-12 books). College catalogs often list the high school course of study they recommend for prospective students. The general study requirements for a bachelor's degree are also excellent guidelines for a high school course of study for gifted students. Online catalogs are readily available from many institutions. Try the University of Maryland's online catalog. The general requirements arelisted under CORE courses.Problem Solving 102: Planning Theme Units by Valorie King ( of us are familiar with the step-by-step, single subject, one skillat a time, method of teaching. This method of instruction, calledprogrammed learning, was developed to teach specific skills in a waythat could be easily monitored to insure student mastery. Intended foruse in industry and job training situations, this method of curriculumdevelopment has made its way into mainstream general education. Underthis method of instruction, K-12 students rarely have the opportunity or the need to use higher-order thinking skills and abstract reasoning to integrate the diverse pieces of information that they're learning.American literature is taught separate from the context of the historicalperiod in which it was written. Foreign language conversation skills are practiced in sterile situations rather than as part of the student'sdaily life.Some curriculum approaches attempt to cross subject area boundariesusing such strategies as \"writing across the curriculum.\" But, by andlarge, the current piecemeal setup prevents students from developingthe deeper understanding that comes from seeing the \"big picture.\"In Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning, he stresses that studentsneed to move through the following stages in order to \"learn\" thelesson being taught: Knowledge Acquisition (content: regurgitation of facts) Comprehension (paraphrase or translate into another form) Application (use the new information to solve problems) Analysis (see interrelationships between new and prior knowledge) Synthesis (form hypotheses or plan projects using new knowledge) Evaluation (make judgements and form opinions based on new knowledge) For gifted students, it is recommended that greater amounts of time bespent on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation steps since they seemto easily move through the first three stages when presented with newinformation or knowledge. Analysis, synthesis, and evaluation invokeand help develop the student's creativity and critical thinking skills.Bloom's taxonomy of learning is a useful strategy to follow when planningthematic units. Learning activities and projects do not require lenthyplanning or setup when you allow the gifted student to exercise his orher creative skills. Use the following keywords to encourage students tocreate their own learning activities and projects which are then evaluatedas part of the thematic unit.Knowledge Define, identify, list, name, showComprehension Explain, compare/contrast, estimate, in your own wordsApplication Build, develop, plan, solve, demonstrateAnalysis Explain why, how; develop an argument for/againstSynthesis Think of a way, Put together ..., Make up ..., Propose a solution, What would happen ifEvaluation Defend an opinion, Decide between options, Explain why your solution is the best one.The best thematic units are \"works in progress.\" The theme develops asthe student's learning progresses. In the beginning, choosing a single topic to study may be difficult especially if your gifted student has a wide variety of interests. Or, you may find it difficult to broaden the interests of a student who is pin-point focused in one subject area.Thematic units can be adjusted to accomodate many different types of learners and their learning styles. Theme units allow you to change what you're doing as soon as you discover that \"what you're doing isn'tworking.\"History, literature, and the sciences can all be covered in a single unit study. Start by choosing a period of history or a chapter out of a sciencetextbook. Or, select several literary works along the same theme. Readthe selected texts with your students. Then, move into the analysis,synthesis, and evaluation phases as you decide how to incorporate each\"subject\" area into your thematic study. The theme develops as your studyprogresses.Plans for unit studies should include coverage of the basic subjects: reading comprehension, critical reading, creative writing, library and study skills development, and extension of the student's basic body of knowledge. Beyond those basics -- almost anything goes. To demonstrate mastery, the student may choose to write and perform a skit (drama), write a report, create a work of art or build an exhibit (project).Video presentations, tape recordings, multimedia presentations, andworld wide web pages are appropriate projects to demonstrate learningand provide tangible evidence of \"schoolwork.\" There are many assessment options available for thematic unit studies.Tests of factual knowledge are OK but don't really document the student'slearning in terms of growth in abilities and acquisition of higherorder thinking and reasoning skills. Portfolios, collectionsof student work combined with teacher and student evaluations, andeither a journal or logbook are the assessment tools of choice whenyour teaching strategy is thematic units.Executing The Thematic Study With Older StudentsPick a topic.Select a few good books or textbook sections.Have the student look for more resources. Student records information and daily activities in a logbook or journal. Teacher assists and directs the student to materials or sources of materials.Student plans a project or other activity to demonstrate learning.The plan and/or project is evaluated by both the teacher and student.Project and evaluations are entered into student's portfolio along with the logbook or journal entries as appropriate.Note: for younger students, the teacher plays a greater role in each of thesteps and provides examples or suggestions as well as assistance duringdecision making.Problem Solving 103: Starting In The Middle by Valorie King ( families make the decision to homeschool, from Kindergarten untilcollege, before their first child ever sets foot in a classroom. Others,like mine, find themselves \"starting in the middle.\" Our oldest, a son,spent five years in traditional classroom settings before beginning hishomeschooling career. His sister, three years younger, was more fortunate. Her homeschooling days started at the end of first grade.Beginning in the middle had its advantages. Both children knew how toread, well, and had learned the rudiments of handwriting and arithmetic.They were used to the routine of school. They also knew what they weregiving up and leaving behind them ... a few friends, a familiar routine,and an environment that not only did not meet their needs but wasactually harmful and destructive.Starting in the middle means that you will probably have a lot of repair work to do. It starts with getting rid of the built up stress.It starts with restoring basic respect and self esteem. It starts withletting go of the surface anger. Many parents have told me that theycould never homeschool because either they don't have the patience todeal with their children or their children's refusal to do the choresor other work assigned by the parent. My experience, both with myown family and with others whom I've helped start homeschooling, hasbeen that both of these problems have the same roots. Children arehellions at home after a day spent in an environment that is detrimentalto their emotional well being. The anger and hostility they dare notexpress at school comes out either openly or as passive-aggressivenessat home. In my experience, it takes at least six months of absence from the poor fit of the classroom before the child \"gets it out of his system.\"The first six months of homeschooling should not be used as a trialperiod. It should be used as a time of less stress. It should also beused as a \"getting to know you\" period. How gifted is your child Inwhat areas are her skills strong Relatively weak What level is sheready for in mathematics How well does she read Last year's achievementtests probably didn't even begin to measure her abilities or realachievement. The first six months can also be used to \"cut your teeth\"on teaching. There's no need to rush into anything. Limit television andcomputer games to the amount allowed before you started homeschooling.Encourage reading and journal writing. Provide a math textbook at leasttwo grades above the previous grade level in school and offer assistance.(Offering \"help\" implies that the other person is \"helpless.\") Underachievement and lack of motivation are two of the most commonproblems seen in gifted children who are begin homeschooling afterhaving been in a traditional classroom. Once the pattern has beenestablished it is extremely difficult to turn these children intoself-directed learners. Once they've learned to \"do the minimum\" toget by ... the underachievement habit is ingrained. Dealing with underachieving gifted children is frustrating and canbe a source of anger in the parent. It is important to distance yourselffrom the situation and recognize that this is \"just another problem tobe solved.\" If you can, hook the child's passion. Find out what he is interested in and either use it as the base for thematic unit studies or as a \"carrot\" to bribe him for acceptable performance. Habits are notbroken. They are replaced with other, hopefully more acceptable, behaviors.Pleasure and enjoyment are highly motivating for most human beings. Risingself-esteem, in both parent and child, will aid in your efforts to encourage study habits and the development of a love of learning forlearning's sake.Starting in the middle is difficult but it's better than the alternatives.At least, that's the way I see it. We've been homeschooling for fouryears now. It took between six and nine months for the kids to stoppicking at each other. During that period, everyone in our familychanged how we treated each other. We're still changing. Respect for otherindividuals has grown in each of us. We're still working on responsibility.It's heartening to hear other adults speak of our children in admiringtones. They really are mature for their ages. Part of that comes frombeing intellectually gifted. But most of it comes from the environmentin which they live and learn, an environment which is appropriate and\"fits\" each one's needs -- to the best of our abilities as parents tomake it so.Editor: Valorie J. King ( 153554b96e