Pes 2010 Editor V2 Become Legend 126l __HOT__
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I should like to direct attention also to the notes given on theextracts, and the purpose they are meant to serve. If no notes had beengiven some of the passages which are important or interestinghistorically would have been found too difficult for the boys for whomthey are intended. Moreover, most of the notes concern the historicalaspect of the extract to which they belong, and are part of the schemeby which the subject-matter of the passage is emphasised. Although thepassages themselves are not strictly graduated, the help given intranslation becomes less and less as the boy goes through the book; andit is obvious that those extracts which illustrate the later periods ofRoman History will be found more difficult than the legends and storieswhich belong to an earlier age. In cases where no help at all isdesired, the Miscellaneous Passages (which are without notes) may beused. 153554b96e