Titty Titans Shaven S Meditation Session [REPACK]
LINK https://urluso.com/2tb0pB
My cancer center is where I feel I will get the best care for the best price. I have already seen the first six months of my care at Ochsner in New Orleans and have been given a tremendous amount of support there. I am scheduled to see the surgeon after the first 6 sessions of chemotherapy and will be very specific about what I want and need from the surgeon. I have a lot of confidence in the treatment at Ochsner. I know that I will have the best of care and I am very happy that I can return to my work. I have also been instructed to continue treatments at Ochsner under the care of the surgeon until complete. This will be a process of many months and I will continue my treatments wherever he advises me to go. The only stipulation is that I get to continue on with the same medicine and methods. My oncologist and surgeon know that I want to have the best care available and nothing short of that will be acceptable. I am encouraged by everything I have heard and experience. I am very positive about the future.
At my fifth session I was turning 29. My life had changed. I was now a cancer patient and I was on chemo. It was a little like the time I was a student and running on chemo and broke my leg. One of my fellow chemotherapy patients had the same birthday as me. We had a little chat at the end of my chemo and later at the casino. She asked me if I had children. I found out that she was 40 and unmarried. I told her that was ok because I was 41 and single. She laughed and said she was going to have a baby that very week. She was going to have a baby! She was going to have her baby and have a baby that very week. I remember the smile on her face. She was so excited. I told her if she ever needs anything, I had a list of doctors and hospitals. She thanked me and wished me well.
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