Tutti I Sonetti Del Canzoniere Di Petrarca
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The development of a process which produces a potentially hazardous chemical compound (see table above), which compound may be released into the air during a particular work situation. This may require a major modification in the work procedure.
The modification of the process control algorithms provided to allow for (or block) certain chemical and/or physical hazards, for instance, when a process operates outside of its thermodynamic design range.
The addition of chemicals and/or physical agents to enhance the process, or to fix certain issues such as the fouling of key equipment (e.g., the scaling up of acid washing for extra refinery capacity, also known as "tank farm wash"), to ensure the process works reliably, or to ensure a continuous supply of crude oil.
The modification of a process which is applied to a new chemical (resulting in a new chemical being produced through the process) to ensure the process produces the desired material as efficiently, safely and economically as possible (e.g., separation of additives from the desired substance).
The replication or the implementation of a safe system of work to ensure workers can operate safely in an established workplace (e.g., the appropriate protective equipment to be worn, the type of work equipment necessary to enforce controls and ensure pressurization integrity, the work control technology and procedures to be followed).
The use of an established work environment that has not been designed to ensure workers can operate safely (e.g., using existing processes, or physically modifying an established workplace, such as widening doorways, to allow workers to enter and leave the workplace). d2c66b5586