Winbrick 2000 Full Version 13
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Hey again folks! Welcome back to Kralich's mystery box of mods and today it's about 3D Winbrick 2001 - a nifty little Arkanoid clone from 2001 with a bunch of extra features, made by Stefan Kuhner! I played the shareware version at my grandmother's house when I was a kid and always wanted to play my own levels, but couldn't. Over the last few years I spent some time trying to dig up first the name of the game from my memory, then a full version. I had no luck for most of that time.
Then, recently, Firebird_Man on Reddit sent me the full version of the game - success! Or not, because it turns out the level editor had to be registered separately (boo and hiss). Luckily, Hexadecimal Mantis - whose name you might recognise from my Bionicle Heroes mods as he has made a lot of them possible in the first place - was able to whip up a Cheat Engine script bypassing the checks for the level editor registration so I could make levels! This script is not public right now as he's refining it further for public release, but it was enough for me to make use of for this mod, so a big thank you to both of these two for making this revival pack possible
3D Winbrick 2001 was almost the game that got away, when it comes to modding - without a full version, then without access to the level editor, I couldn't save levels, and so even if the game was technically moddable out the box, it was just a little out of reach. I never gave up hope I'd be able to make good on this though and thanks to Firebird_Man and Hexadecimal Mantis, I managed to make the level pack of my childhood, finally. All of my mods for old obscure games dig up someone who remembers and has a nostalgia trip, so if that person is you, I'm glad you can share in the good vibes. I might make individual levels for Winbrick 2001 now and then if the fancy takes me, and in those cases I'll upload it to the addons section on ModDB for the base game. I'm also planning to write up a tutorial when the script is publicly available so that others can make their own levels if they like. In the mean time, thanks for reading, and stay bricking! 153554b96e