With My Apologies To Any Manbaby Readers.
LINK >>>>> https://urlin.us/2teTDj
He also seems emotionally immature. Everything is always my fault. He hates conflict, so whenever anything comes up that is important, he shuts down. I feel I am always the one to initiate apologies, conflict solutions, and conversation in general. I feel like I am the one carrying the emotional workload, and constantly having to explain the \"real world\" to him because he is so sheltered. I need him to step up emotionally, and for him to learn how to continue growing as an adult while under his parents' roof. I don't know how to bring this up without upsetting his parents (he tells them everything I say) and hurting his very sensitive feelings.
The relationship between these tow took me by surprise. I actually had another guy in mind for her but you know my men. They are stubborn alphas and I can't argue with them. Once they have their mind set that's it. They want what they want when they want it and make no apologies. 153554b96e