Wolfram 10 2 REPACK Keygen Generator
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I followed your suggestion exactly. The ls command showed 10.0. Inputting the commands exactly as yousuggested still resulted in installing 10.0! Indeed the last line of the output showed \" Setting up wolfram-engine(10.0.2+2015020304)...\"
This rule is of particular interest because it produces complex, seemingly random patterns from simple, well-defined rules. Because of this, Wolfram believes that Rule 30, and cellular automata in general, are the key to understanding how simple rules produce complex structures and behaviour in nature. For instance, a pattern resembling Rule 30 appears on the shell of the widespread cone snail species Conus textile. Rule 30 has also been used as a random number generator in Mathematica,[3] and has also been proposed as a possible stream cipher for use in cryptography.[4][5]
As is apparent from the image above, Rule 30 generates seeming randomness despite the lack of anything that could reasonably be considered random input. Stephen Wolfram proposed using its center column as a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG); it passes many standard tests for randomness, and Wolfram previously used this rule in the Mathematica product for creating random integers.[7]
Sipper and Tomassini have shown that as a random number generator Rule 30 exhibits poor behavior on a chi squared test when applied to all the rule columns as compared to other cellular automaton-based generators.[8] The authors also expressed their concern that \"The relatively low results obtained by the rule 30 CA may be due to the fact that we considered N random sequences generated in parallel, rather than the single one considered by Wolfram.\"[9]
Generation of random numbers is a central problem for many applications in the field of information processing, including, e.g., cryptography, in classical and quantum regime, but also mathematical modeling, Monte Carlo methods, gambling and many others. Both, the quality of the randomness and efficiency of the random numbers generation process are crucial for the most of these applications. Software produced pseudorandom bit sequences, though sufficiently quick, do not fulfill required randomness quality demands. Hence, the physical hardware methods are intensively developed to generate truly random number sequences for information processing and electronic security application. In the present paper we discuss the idea of the quantum random number generators. We also present a variety of tests utilized to assess the quality of randomness of generated bit sequences. In the experimental part we apply such tests to assess and compare two quantum random number generators, PQ4000KSI (of company ComScire US) and JUR01 (constructed in Wroclaw University of Science and Technology upon the project of The National Center for Research and Development) as well as a pseudorandom generator from the Mathematica Wolfram package. Finally, we present our new prototype of fully operative miniaturized quantum random generator JUR02 producing a random bit sequence with velocity of 1 Mb/s, which successfully passed standard tests of randomness quality (like NIST and Dieharder tests). We also shortly discuss our former concept of an entanglement-based quantum random number generator protocol with unconditionally secure public randomness verification.
The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries can be considered the beginning of the currently observed rapid development and spreading of information technology in almost all areas of economy and science and in the sphere of utility. Information technology in many key aspects requires taking into account in algorithms the generating of random variables. Hence, the problem of random number generators plays a fundamental role in the field of information technology, in particular, of information security.
The above list briefly shows the scale of the range of the application of randomness and of random number generators. In this context, the quality of randomness and its truthfulness become a fundamental problem.
Dual EC DRBG (Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator) was used for this, a PRNG created and strongly pushed as a standard by the NSA. Only in 2013 it turned out that the NSA was the only one to have a backdoor for this generator and thanks to this the NSA was able to crack the cryptographic keys that had been generated using these generators. Upon disclosure, RSA Security and the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) instructed not to use the Dual EC DRBG generator.
Intel and Via on-chip HRNG motherboard random number generators probably also had backdoors8. It has been indicated that the RdRand and Padlock instructions most likely have backdoors in Linux kernels up to v 3.13.
The presented above examples clearly show that classic random number generators may be exposed to various attacks, or may have the so-called backdoors. This justifies the need to develop alternative technologies that could replace the classic generators on a large scale. The most promising, because they have a fundamental justification for the randomness in the formalism of quantum mechanics, are quantum random number generators.
There are further divisions within subcategories, e.g., there are different types of pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs), among which there are currenty cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators (CSPRNGs). Classical hardware RNGs can be divided due to a specific physical process underlying the generation, similarly to quantum RNGs. Some generators may additionally test the generated sequences basing on the implemented tests and assessing the deviation from the assumed randomness parameters of the generated sequence. There are also hybrid generators which combine features of many categories.
The premise of the absolute randomness of hardware quantum random number generators is the belief that the von Neumann projection is perfectly random. Thus, the measurement on the superposition state of at least two states (qubit) leads to the generation of a random sequence. Two stages must be distinguished here:
The absolute randomness of the final sequence can be compromised by the faulty source. If, for example, the source will provide its own state of the measured quantity with some frequency, the randomness of the result will be strongly disturbed. Therefore, step (1) is as important as step (2). Moreover, the result of step (2) is always to some extent mixed with the classical noise resulting from the macroscopic practical implementation of the von Neumann projection. It should be emphasized here that von Neumann projection is always performed with a macroscopic device and only in an idealized situation the arrangement of a measurement experiment does not introduce random classical disturbances. The generated sequence of bits is extremely susceptible to various forms of the bias. Reducing bias is relatively simple, whereas identifying the classical implicit component (correlation) involved in the generated sequence is much more difficult and not always effective by software methods. Rather, we should rely on the physical recognition of the whole phenomenon and physical identification and minimization of the classical components of randomness. Various signal whitening algorithms are available for bias reducing and de-correlation. They are the most common development of the von Neumann algorithm. According to this algorithm, two successive bits of the sequence are compared, if they are the same, both are rejected, if they are 0,1, then 0 is assumed, if they are 1,0, this is assumed to be 1. The resulting sequence is balanced, but at least twice as short and random as there is no correlation in the output sequence. More advanced randomization extractors are e.g., Trevisan extractor41 or Toeplitz extractor using Fast Fourier transform42. In general, random sequence bleachers work by themselves as pseudorandom generators. A good example is the Blum, Blum, Shub (BBS) algorithm43. It returns the sequence from the output seed \\(x_0\\), according to the recipe,
where \\(M = p \\times q\\), p, q are high prime numbers. The bit-wise result of the procedure is \\(x_{n + 1}\\) parity or, for example, the last significant bit \\(x_{n + 1}\\). The seed \\(x_0\\) must be relatively prime to q and p and cannot be 0 or 1. An interesting feature of the BBS generator is the analytical form of the result,
As part of the tests performed with the NIST STS randomness test library, 3 groups of data were compared. The first group is a collection of binary random sequences generated using a commercial Comscire quantum generator. The second group consists of random sequences generated by the current version of the JUR01 quantum generator. The third group are random sequences generated algorithmically within the Mathematica system.
Which tests should be selected for randomness analysis is a difficult question. It depends on the analyzed generator (data from a given generator), its usage and the determination of random errors that are not acceptable. Without such detailed information, all the tests in the NIST STS kit should be used in the randomness analysis. To apply the entire test suite, the n parameter (representing the length of a single sequence in bits) should be greater than 100,000. NIST Documentation STS50 recommends testing at least k = \\(\\alpha ^{- 1}\\) = 100 sequences (assuming \\(\\alpha = 0.01\\)). This is also a suitable value for the p value distribution test (test at least 55 sequences). As NIST STS uses some approximation methods to process the value of p, the more sequences you test, the more accurate the results you get. STS NIST authors suggest testing 1000 or more sequences50 . 153554b96e